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Criminal Defense, Title IX Education Law, Personal Injury/Wrongful Death

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Longmont Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorneys

police car at night with lights flashing | Boulder criminal defense law firm

Boulder College Crimes are Serious

According to, the University of Colorado Boulder reported 3,283 incidents involving students on or near campus in 2017. Of the 2,795 colleges and universities which reported crime and safety data, 2,793 reported fewer incidents than this. A college student who is accused of a crime can see the effects of that arrest and/or conviction for a very long time. In addition to criminal penalties, a college student could be subject to college disciplinary proceedings, which could potentially result in suspension or expulsion. A student arrested on drug charges or for a violent crime could possibly lose eligibility for federal student loans as well and may even find that certain career choices are no longer available. 

The most common criminal offenses Boulder college students are charged with include: 

  • DWAI
  • DUI
  • Assault
  • Theft
  • Burglary
  • Sex crimes, including date rape
  • Underage drinking
  • Minor in possession
  • Academic cheating
  • Drug Offenses
  • Fraudulent use of an ID

Just as with adult arrests for criminal offenses, improper police behavior could potentially be an element of the student’s arrest. Illegal stops or illegal searches could potentially violate a student’s constitutional rights. A student arrested on or off a Boulder campus may be asked whether they currently attend college, and if the answer is an affirmative one, the school will be notified, and the student could be subject to disciplinary proceedings.  

Although attorneys are not allowed at disciplinary proceedings, an experienced Boulder criminal defense attorney who is familiar with the process can help minimize the potential damage of a disciplinary proceeding and can also help deal with the criminal charges. Important considerations when a student is charged with a criminal offense include:

  • The University’s Code of Conduct could treat an offense quite seriously—even one that could be considered manageable from a criminal perspective, such as alcohol-related charges or low-level drug offenses. 
  • One of the most important reasons to hire an experienced Boulder criminal defense attorney (who has considerable experience with Boulder college crimes), is because University officials may receive a referral from law enforcement. In this case, where the student was arrested and under what circumstances the arrest occurred could have a bearing on the outcome. 
  • Along with the potential criminal penalties, a Boulder criminal defense attorney will discuss the collateral consequences of the criminal offense with the student and his or her parents. 

Involving an experienced Boulder criminal defense attorney as soon as your child has been arrested as a means of minimizing the adverse consequences of the arrest is an essential step. 

Contact Our Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyers

Mertes Law FirmIf you are arrested and charged with a crime on campus, you may believe that these crimes aren’t serious or won’t result in significant penalties. Nothing could be further from the truth. Immediately after your arrest, don’t delay in calling a knowledgeable Boulder criminal defense attorney from the Mertes Law Firm who can guide you through the process, looking out for your rights and your future. Call us today at 303-440-0123.   


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